Steering Commitee
The Steering Committee si responsible for the scientific and financial management of the network. It counts 11 members from 10 European countries. They are all prominent searchers in social and/or life sciences who are involved in birth cohort studies in their country.
FRANCE - INED Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques
UNITED KINGDOM - Center for Longitudinal Studies
Dr. Heather Joshi
AUSTRIA - University of Vienna, Dept.
Developmental Psychology and Psychological Assessment
Prof. Harald Werneck
DENMARK - Aarhus University Hospital, Dept. Obstetrics and Paediatrics
Dr. Tine Brink Henriksen
GERMANY - GSF Research Center for Environment and Health
Dr; Joachim Heinrich
LUXEMBOURG - University of Luxembourg
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Honig
NETHERLANDS - Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Dept. Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Dr. Vincent Jaddoe
NORWAY - Norwegian Institute for Public Health
Dr. Wenche Nystad
SWEDEN - University of Stockholm, Center for Health Equities Studies
Prof. Johan Fritzell
SWITZERLAND - Basel University, Institute for Psychology
Prof. Alexander Grob
UNITED KINGDOM - University of Bristol, Dept. of Social Medecine
Prof. George Davey Smith